
Week 3

Our Information Architecture and explanation:

We make information architecture what you can see below in the image. First option will be the registration. Someone will be register and put his personal information and his goals what he wants to achieve. So that our application can help him properly according to his situation.

When you get register you will see three options Agenda, Diet and Workout. These are the three main functions of our application. And user will interact with these options more often. And in the right corner you will find a drop down menu where you can find My Profile, Change goals, Contact and Un-Subscribe. These are the extra options what user will not use so often.

If you press Agenda, you will find three options Agenda for Today, Put time when you want to work, Edit schedule. These are the options related to Agenda, we will put them together.

And if you press Diet, you will see Today’s schedule and report about today. Options related to Diet, we put together inside the Diet. Then it’s easy to find for user.

And if you press Workout you will find Different activities. And if you choose one of the activity, you will find three options, Information about activity, Videos about activity andAdd activity. These are options related to workout are together in Workout. If you want select an activity you can see information about that activity you can see animations, how to do exactly and you can add it to your profile. And when you want to work on this activity you will set new goal in your profile.

            Our information architecture:






Information architecture created by a person of our target group:


Comparison of our information architecture with 1st user architecture:

There are followings differences with our information architecture and user’s architecture:

  • He needs an option for information before he register to the app.
  • He put option change goals inside the workout but we wanted it inside the upper menuin the corner, because user will not interact with this option that much

Rest was almost same for us and person from our target group.


Information architecture created by another person of our target group:


Comparison with our architecture and target group architecture:

This person also put all activities in 4 parts Registration, Diets, Different activities andAgenda. But he changes the order a little bit.

For example

  • he wanted the diet schedule and workout schedule at same place
  • He wants that he can add activity inside the agenda instead he can add it in the workout.

Rest was almost same.


Information architecture created by other user:


This architecture was bit different from other architecture. User wants only few options in the app and she put everything together.

Final Information architecture:


At the end we modified the information architecture according to the user’s will.

Differences between our First information architecture and final architecture:

We made following changes in our information architecture after the execution of card sorting session with representatives of your target group:

  • We put one option of information; you will get information about the application before you get register.
  • We put the option of Add Activity also inside the agenda. If you click this option you will reach to the Different Activities and there you can select any activity to add it in your activities.
  • And add an option to Contact, what we forgot before.

Goals of the application and the goals of the target group:

We are still supporting the goals of the application and the goals of the target group. One of the user’s goal was that they want to lose their weight, our application will help them to do exercise in good way. It will give information about diets, and help user to switch from unhealthy diets to healthy diets and this was the other goal of the users. They also want to get motivation to do exercise, our application will help them to make a schedule for exercise and it will send notifications to do exercise, if user forgets to do exercise he will get reminder.

Users will get advices according to their condition. He will put his condition and he will set goals for himself and according to that data app will provide his better options.

At the time of registration he will choose in which language he needs all information. And later on he can change it inside the profile. This will help him to understand everything better.

here is the hierarchy test we did

first test taker

second test taker

third test taker

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