


Choose activities:

We did choose following activities to work with.

  • See today’s schedule. Here user can see his schedule for the day
  • Get information about a specific activity. We have several activities what user can do to be fit. With this option user can get information about any specific information.
  • Edit your schedule. If user wants to change his schedule he can do with through this option.
  • See schedule for diet. Here user can see the schedule for his diet
  • See animations to do a specific activity. User can also see the animations of any activity to do that activity perfectly.
  • Add activity to my activity. With this option user can add any specific activity to his activity to work on that activity.

These are the activities user will interact very often.

we did flow diagrams and sketches and after that we tested that with our target group


which u can see the changes in the journal attached below


explanation of setup and Guerilla understand ability test

We did choose few activities from week 4 what user can perform through our application. We made Storyboard and sketches for every screen short separately. Then we did Guerilla tests. We put our all screenshots in an order and ask user what think this app about? And few questions like if you want to see information or animations bout any activity how you can do this. They give the answers and few suggestions and we also show them some of the screenshots and ask user what this page about they explain about that. Then according to users suggestions we change our flow diagram and storyboard a little bit .

Changes we made after user feed back


  1. We should make Agenda page our home page, because user will interact mostly with that page.
  2. We have three categories in our app. We should give option at the bottom of the page to switch between these three options. Then user don’t need to go back to home page to go to other page.
  3. And after adding an activity to my activity, user will reach again to different activities instead of My Activities.


How we worked

  • We did choose few activities from week 4 what user can perform through our application. We make flow diagrams separately for every activity and then we did make navigation structure. And then made Storyboard. And sketch every screen short separately. Then we did Guerilla tests and ask users their feedback and did make videos for that and according to that we change our flow diagram, storyboard a little bit. We also did some understand ability test and base on users feedback we made our final design.




Guerilla test 1.1 :


Guerilla test 1.2:


Guerilla test 2 :


Understandability test 1 :


Understandability test 2 :  


journal for week 4 



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