


Searching and selecting of prototyping tool:

We searched for prototyping tool to make our prototype : We found some website that have a tool for prototype Like “” which has lots of functionality and is user friendly but its requires a subscriptions to use it that why we looked for other tool But also “axure” which is free but very complicated and difficult to use ,in the end we went with “invision” which was free to use and had a user friendly User Interface and was easy to use .


Creating of prototype:

We did prototyping in “Invision”. What you can find in this link:

Explanation of guidelines in chapters 12-21


We put pictures for different buttons. That will help user to understand that this is connect to which kind of stuff. Most of the buttons are rounded.


Our application is for touch screen mobiles. Mostly user doesn’t write anything. He only needs to press buttons to work with our app.

Fitt’s Law

We don’t think this law is so useful for our app because our app is mobile app. And it’s only touch. But we put most useful buttons at the bottom of the screen. That user can press quickly.


In most of cases, if you press any button you reach to other page. User will notice after every press that something has changed.


We don’t have any options what user need to choose in our app. And also no extra messages to interrupt user


What ever user do he can change that from different places. He don’t need to confirm things when he perform an action


We have only one mode in our app.

No preferences

We don’t think we have this kind of functionality in our app. We already take lot of interviews and decide what will be the perfect for user.


Adjustments in our Prototye:

We didn’t do any adjustment in our application. Because we was already focusing on most of these guidelines un-intentionally and few of them are not related to our app.

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